Narrative Report on Acquaintance Party

   One of the school year's most anticipated and most    events finally  came to a completion as the annual       acquaintance party was held at Salvador National High School, Dated July 6, 2018. All are well prepared and organized from the venue,program and activities. Acquaintance party is a time of the year where teachers and students can relax,enjoy each others company. This is an activity were in we students can have the opportunity to meet each other. Most of all it is a time for the teachers and students to mingle and bond as one.

           A few days before the acquaintance party, I was so nervous at thesame time excited. I prepared my school uniform because this will be our attire when we present  yell. My classmates and I are busy preparing the tent and practicing a yell. We also went to bukid to get a coconut. And finally when the day comes I wake up early to prepare all the necessary things needed.There I wore my school uniform and headed to school. When the program start, all of us stood up for national anthiem and remain standing for the prayer. After that we sat down to watched the program hour after we ate our lunch by budol fight where student and teacher eat together. The good was really good. And after we ate the party started again.
       The aim of this kind of party is to allow the students and teachers new and old to mingle and acquaint themeselves with one another.This also allows the students to be able to function better as they will become more comfortable with interacting with the people around them. It may also be fun for us because we can mingle with different and be chance you'll meet such a good friends.Acquaintance parties are important because they help students get to know others.


